Work - Part 6

Scripture Reading - Titus 2:9 Murdock

Let servants obey their masters in every thing, and strive to please them, and not contradict, nor pilfer;

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to focus on “Work”. In the lesson “Work - Part 1” we focused on “work” being God’s idea and God’s Will for all mankind. It is said that it is so much God’s idea that we will continue our “work” in heaven that we started upon the earth. In the lesson “Work – Part 2” we looked at God blessing all different types of work whether you consider yourself blue collar, pink collar or white collar worker. God equally blesses working with your hands while at the same time you are working with your mind also, we think while we “work” about our jobs and other workers. In the lesson “Work – Part 3” we taught on not trying to land the God ordained perfect job first because if you’re like most others it will take years for you to work in the perfect job God created you for. Remember patience is a godly virtue so be patient for your perfect job. In the lesson “Work – Part 4” we explained the “housewife” or “house woman” if unmarried is an ordained job from God. We attempted to dispel the notion that working in the house is easy because in reality no “fruitful work” is easy and it is especially more challenging when you need to “work” in all three realms; spirit, soul and body. In the lesson “Work – Part 5” we discussed “faithfulness” on all three levels. Faithfulness spiritually by including God’s counsel and the principles of the Word of God in your work. Faithfulness mentally by maintaining a strong sharp mind in relation to being courteous and respectful to fellow workers. Faithful physically by working hard and staying at work longer if a certain task needs to be completed before you go home. In this lesson “Work – Part 6” we will speak about your personal “service” in relation to “work”. In the reference scripture for today several items are mentioned so we will look at each one separately to highlight the intent. First “servants obeying their masters in every thing” speaks to our core belief that you should always do what your boss asks you to do. This is generally true for our basic work functions because your boss knows what they need and you were hired to help them achieve their goals. Yes, the only reason we (ihlcc) said generally is because Jesus is our Lord and our ultimate supervisor so if your boss ask you to sin we (ihlcc) would not submit unto that request. We have had at least two separate occasions where we were asked by our boss to do something wrong simply out of convenience and in both cases we didn’t submit. In one case (just because I know you are curious) we were asked to lie about the mileage recorded on a trip but we could not do it with a clear conscious so we didn’t lie about it on a formal travel report. In another case we were asked to change our position on a previously discussed resolution but we decided to stay with the original agreement because many people were affected even though our boss changed his mind. In both cases God helped us to hold fast to our integrity without losing our job. Sadly, for some who might read this lesson, if the ultimatum is sin or be fired, we would recommend much prayer to God to see what is the Mind of Christ Jesus concerning your job and if nothing changes in their position leaving the job with God’s assurance and peace in your heart is workable (doable) because if you stay with God He Will (Shall) certainly find you another job and hopefully even better than the one you just left. The thought is if a company can force you to sin individually to them you are a sinner and before God you run the risk of losing your salvation personally. Since we have been working for over 40 years and we can only recall a couple of times our will was contrary to our boss’s will we believe this to be an exception to the rule and not the normal working relationship. So we will restate, “Generally speaking obey whatever your boss ask you to do and do it with a good happy heart”. Yes, the word in every thing in today’s reference scripture does literally mean everything. Please keep this simple without picking specific excuses pertaining to why you shouldn’t obey your boss on certain projects or specific issues. This leads us to the second instruction of “striving to please them” which is in respect to your bosses, not just one. It seems like even our direct boss has bosses over them so we must strive to please all upper management not just those we report to directly. Interestingly enough we have to motivate ourselves to please our boss, you don’t do this by accident. No, you must purpose in heart to see your boss as a key customer that is tied to your success. Yes, trying to please your boss is a godly concept that should be observed by each worker because it is right. Think about it if you are pleasing your boss you are helping to get the goals of your boss’s boss done too. Typically in corporate America and in small business the goals of the company are cascaded down from upper management to each supervisors (or team lead), so by helping (serving) the boss are you not also simultaneously helping (serving) the company and/or business as well? Yes, indeed you are which brings us to our third item of “not contradicting”. This basically means without argument or complaint or back talk. This sounds simple but you would be amazed to know that most employees feel empowered to talk back to their current boss. We have seen this displayed publically when a player doesn’t agree with their coach. We have seen this at meetings when one gives place to anger and the employee walks out on the boss. The sad part about this is if the boss is known for being harsh and mean the employees are more respectful by showing less back-talk. However, on the contrary if the boss is more calm and passive the employees feel comfortable talking back to that boss. Whether your boss is friendly (open to suggestion) or froward (verbally abusive) we should still refrain from talking back to our boss in a negative fashion simply because it is not right to do so. Nobody likes a smart-aleck or a contrary person to be vocal when they are attempting to share their vision with their team. Yes, even though you might think it is innocent God calls it a sin of rebellion, so choose this day whom you shall serve - God and your boss as a team or yourself and Satan as an opposing team. The fourth item is “no pilfering” which is no stealing. This means don’t take items that are not yours, one should never leave their office with more than what they came in with. This scripture is specifically talking about smaller items that you think the company won’t miss but it is not based on the size of the item stealing is still sin in God’s all seeing eyes. We (ihlcc) have been guilty of taking something home from work like a small note pad without thinking about it twice. Thankfully, one day we were exposed to a teaching about stealing from the company being sinful and totally disrespectful. When we opened our heart to that revelation of keeping all personal things separate from work things we stopped all previous bad habits and any other practice that could be viewed as disrespectful to the company. It is better to pay a small amount of money to purchase your own goods than to be like those of the world who steal all the time from their company or business. The scripture encourages us to treat our home like we would treat God’s Home because ultimately all things belong to God. Therefore would you like a guest to take a small item in your house to their house because they thought you could afford it? Of course not, you would probably be outraged and never invite them back again. So think about it, if that happen at work why should the circumstances be any different? The truth is, in God’s Eyes it is always wrong to take someone else’s goods. Stealing is wrong; it is unrighteous behavior for all God’s children so we must show ourselves worthy to be called Christians by acting like Christ Jesus. So we display “good service” to our boss and their bosses included, we “don’t talk back” against the boss but rather support our boss with words of encouragement and obedience in order to please him or her, nor do we take any company or business item home because we understand Love treats others exactly how He (God) desires to be treated, with all due respect and loyalty in Jesus Name. Amen!